Maintaining Purchase Order Lines
The Purchase Order Line portal is used to display and maintain a purchase order line record.
You can access the portal from the Purchase Order portal when reviewing a specific line.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Main tab page:
Purchase Order Line: This zone displays information about the purchase order line.
Related Purchase Order Lines: This zone displays other lines from the purchase order.
Attachments: This zone displays attachments related to this purchase order line record.
Standard Notes: This zone displays standard notes related to this purchase order line record.
Notes: This zone displays additional notes related to this purchase order line record.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Expedite tab page:
Purchase Order Line: This zone displays information about the expedited purchase order line.
Expedite Activity: This zone displays the expedited activity information associated with the expedited purchase order line.
The following zones may appear as part of the portal's Log tab page:
Purchase Order Line Log: This zone displays log details for the expedited purchase order line.
Related Stock Transactions: This zone displays the related stock transaction information for the purchase order line.