Projects provide a way to group work so that it can be planned and charged against large efforts. Typically, a project will be a task that is out of the ordinary, or that requires extra planning and resources. Examples would be adding new facilities or conducting a major overhaul of an assembly line.
When a project is initiated and funds are approved, the project can be broken down into a hierarchical arrangement of smaller subprojects. Each subproject represents a controllable unit of work within the project. The ability to enter and manage information for the units of work, scheduling details, cost estimates, and target dates for each project and subproject forms the basis for planning the project and monitoring its progress to completion. Work orders and activities can be associated to the project and are automatically included in the cost of the project.
Projects can also be divided into subprojects – facilities construction, wiring, installation of equipment, testing of automated systems, shakedown, and so on. You can then plan, budget, and individually authorize each subproject.
Projects can be configured to go through regular approval processing, so that after the project is created it must be submitted for approval then approved.
Allow Charge
When the Allow Charge indicator is set to “yes”, other records can charge against the project. The project must be in Approved, Started, or Complete state for charges to be applied against it. For example, a resource, such as a craft or equipment, might reference the Project ID under the accounting information.
Note that if subprojects are planned, the project itself should have Allow Charge set to “No”. Charges should be tracked by subproject.
Project Categories
Your organization can define project categories to create classifications for projects such as maintenance, capital, construction, and so on. Project categories are initially created in an Active status but can be toggled to an Inactive status or back again to Active, depending on their future use.