Timesheet Quick Entry
A new Timesheet Quick Entry portal allows a user to enter any number of timesheet detail entries for any number of employees and for any charge types, for example activity, cost center, project, leave, and process function. The employees available to be chosen by the logged on user is defined as below:
The employee record of the logged on user
If the logged on employee is a supervisor, all of their employees
If the logged on user is a timekeeper, employees on the timekeeper record
If the logged on user has payroll security authorization, any employee
New timesheet details can be entered manually, or user can create a .csv file in which to upload the new entries. See Creating CSV Files for more information.
Once the entries are complete, the system checks whether there is an existing timesheet for the same time period for each employee:
If yes, the system creates a new timesheet detail under that same timesheet header.
If in a Created status, new line items are added in Created status.
If in an Approved status, timesheet is returned to Created status, existing line items are left alone, and new line items are added in a Created status.
If in Posted status, timesheet is returned to Created status, existing line items are left alone, and new line items are added in a Created status.
If no, new timesheet header is created and timesheet details for the same employee and time period are added to that timesheet header.
Timekeepers can use the Timesheet Quick Entry Search option to search for timesheet entries they have created.
This search option restricts timekeepers to only those timesheet entries they have created.