Create a Workbook and Add Data Sets

Workbooks contain visualizations that help you to analyze your data in a productive and meaningful ways.

When you create a workbook, you add one or more data sets containing the data that you want to visualize and explore. In Opower Analytics Visualization, data sets contain data from subject areas. You can also add multiple subject areas to existing workbooks.

You can use the Data page to familiarize yourself with all available subject areas. The available subject areas are summarized in Subject Areas Out of the Box.

To create a new workbook:

  1. Go to the Home page, click Create, then click Workbook.
  2. Add data to a workbook using one of the following options:
    • If you're working with a new workbook, then in the Add Data Set dialog, browse and select the subject areas that you want to analyze, then click Add to Workbook.
    • If you’re working with an existing workbook, then in the Data Panel, click Add (+), then Add Data Set to display the Add Data Set dialog and add a subject area.
  3. Drag the data elements that you want to visualize from the Data Panel onto the visualization canvas, and start building your workbook.