EM&V Data Extract Specification

The provided EM&V data file contains raw customer and billing data without any data preparation steps taken. Data columns are defined in the table below.

Column Name Description


Oracle Utilities unique customer identifier.


The name of the savings measurement.

study_name A single measurement may consist of multiple randomized controlled trials (RCT) or groups of customers. Savings for each RCT or group of customers must be calculated independently and then aggregated into a final, single result.
utility_code Oracle Utilities client abbreviation.


Artificial variable indicating the treatment status of a customer:

  • 0 = Control
  • 1 = Treatment


Date marking the start of the RCT program.

This is defined as the beginning of the month in which reports are first generated for a cohort. For rolling enrollment waves, a cohort consists of all customers randomized into the wave at the same time.


Date that the customer was removed from the RCT program (for example, due to being inactive). This value will be NULL if the customer is still in the RCT program.

acct_active_date Customer account active date.
acct_inactive_date Customer account inactive date. This value will be NULL if the account is still active.


Date meter was read.


Meter usage units:

  • “kwh”
  • “therm”


Amount of energy used over bill duration.


Bill duration in days.


Variable indicating whether the meter read is an estimate or not.

  • 0 = Actual read
  • 1 = Estimated read

Note: Actual reads following estimated reads contain usage for the bill period and additional usage for truing-up any error in the estimate. See Estimated Read True-Up for more information.