Basic Customer Extract

The Basic Customer Extract contains a full list of all utility customers in one or more energy efficiency program waves or the entire utility population for Web For All customers. It is a subset of the Full Customer Extract and is available in Inside Opower or as a standard recurring extract from your Delivery Team.

Note: Either the Basic or Full Customer Extract is applicable to each utility. Your Delivery Team will work with you to identify which one is applicable to you.

Column Description


The customer identifier that is used on customer communications. This is usually the same value as the customer_id column sent by the utility in other data files, but not always. Additional identifiers may need to be added to the extract. Discuss this modification with your Delivery Team, if necessary.

Example: 1234-1234-1234-1234

Field Size: 40.

Can Be Empty?: No.


A flag to indicate whether the customer is a recipient or part of a control group.

Allowed Values:


Field Size: 9.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Program wave name.

Example: 201305_E

Field Size: 40.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Date the customer opted out of the Oracle Utilities Opower Home Energy Report program, if applicable.

Field Size: 10.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Inactive date if a customer has deactivated an electric account.

Field Size: 10.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Inactive date if a customer has deactivated a gas account.

Field Size: 10.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Indicates whether the customer has logged into the Oracle Utilities Opower Energy Efficiency Web Portal - Classic.

Allowed Values:

  • N
  • Y

Field Size: 1.

Can Be Empty?: No.


Indicates whether a customer has an active print Home Energy Report subscription.

Allowed Values:

  • N
  • Y

Field Size: 1.

Can Be Empty?: No.


Indicates whether a customer has an active email subscription.

Allowed Values:

  • N
  • Y

Field Size: 1.

Can Be Empty?: No.