Utility Data Obligations

The utility must agree to certain data obligations to ensure that data quality and integrity are maintained during the launch and operations of the Oracle Utilities Opower platform. The statement below describes these obligations. (The “You” in the statement refers to the utility.)

For any initial data load, data migration, or iterative data file, You must provide Oracle Utilities with data, in formats requested by Oracle Utilities, and You are responsible for the correct formatting of any data provided to Oracle Utilities as part of any initial or ongoing data load.

You must appoint a point of contact within Your organization authorized to work with Oracle Utilities to resolve incidents related to any data loading process.

If data quality issues are identified with any data received in this Oracle Utilities Cloud Service, then You are responsible for providing corrected, validated, formatted and cleansed data. Oracle Utilities is not responsible for correcting, validating, formatting or cleansing data from Your source application.

As reasonably required by Oracle Utilities, You will provide Oracle Utilities, on a timely basis, with complete and accurate information and responses to questions as needed to support the performance of the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services.

Oracle Utilities will remove data stored on the SFTP server periodically based on the data retention periods applicable to the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services. You are responsible for ensuring that any data You require is downloaded to a storage location local to Your organization.