Person Address File

The person address file contains data related to the mailing address associated with a person. The data for this entity is expected to be sent in a separate file. Only the latest address for a person_id is stored.

Person Address File Naming Convention:

opwr_[utility]_[specification version number]_billing_account_address_[yyyymmdd].[gz or zip]

See Account Data File Name Conventions for an explanation of each component of the file name.




The person ID that this address is related to.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No.


Address line 1 of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: No.


Address line 2 of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Address line 3 of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Address line 4 of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The city of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The postal code of the person.

Type: VARCHAR(12)

Can Be Empty?: No.


A first-order civil entity below the country level, such as states in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: No.


A second-order civil entity below the country level, such as counties in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A third-order civil entity below the country level, such as suburbs and neighborhoods in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The two-character code representing the country of the premise. For a full list of country codes, see Wikipedia - Officially Assigned Code Elements.

Type: VARCHAR(2)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The date at which the record was updated in the source system. If left blank, the field does not store any data.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.