Bill Fields

The bill fields data entity includes information related to a bill's status, due date, and balance. 

Field Description


The primary utility identifier of a bill. This is used to disambiguate bills.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary key.


The utility account associated with the bill. This identifies the customer who is responsible for the bill. Note that this field corresponds to a utility account in the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing data model. See Account Fields for more information.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The business date that was used when the bill batch generated the bill. For example, if batch billing starts on 11:55 p.m. on 1-Jan-2018, and a bill is produced at 1:00 a.m. on 2-Jan-2018, then this bill's bill date would be 1-Jan-2018.

If no offset is specified, the offset will default to the utility company’s time zone. If no time component is specified, the time will be assumed to be the start of the day.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The date on which the bill is due. If no offset is specified, the offset will default to the utility company’s time zone. If no time component is specified, the time will be assumed to be the start of the day.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The ISO-4217 3-letter currency code for the bill. See for a list of allowed values.

Example Values:

  • USD
  • EUR
  • GBP

Type: VARCHAR(3)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The overall account balance within the bill time window. The current balance shows how much the customer owes after the current bill. The current balance can differ from the payoff balance for budget billing service agreements, deposit service agreements, charitable contribution service agreements, or payment arrangements.

For budget billing customers, the current balance is the monthly payment obligation.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The outstanding balance or total amount owed for the account, after the current bill. The payoff amount contains how much the customer really owes for the “cash out amount” if the customer wanted to clear all debt.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: No


The balance from the account’s last bill.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The total amount that was paid by the customer. The total amount of frozen or canceled payment segment financial transactions linked to this bill. Frozen payments appear as negative numbers (decreasing the amount owed by the customer), while canceled payments appear as positive numbers (increasing the amount owed).

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The total amount of frozen or canceled adjustment financial transactions linked to this bill. For example, this can include late payment charges, connection charges, deposit refund, rebates, and bill write-off.

Adjustments can be positive, negative, or zero. A zero amount is unusual, but necessary when you need to use an adjustment to correct the general ledger code.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The total amount of any cancels and rebills.

Corrections can be positive, negative, or zero. A zero amount is unusual, but may be necessary when you need to correct the general ledger code.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The total amount of frozen bill segment financial transactions linked to this bill.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The amount owed by the customer for this bill.

Type: DECIMAL(15,2). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The date at which the record was updated in the source system. If left blank, the field does not store any data.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.

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