Service Quantity Fields

For service agreements that charge for a commodity, the Service Quantity data entity contains information about the consumption that will be priced by the service agreement rate. Service Quantity is populated based on usage requests that are sent during billing to Oracle Utilities Meter Data Management. One row exists for every unique combination of unit of measure (UOM), time-of-use (TOU) code, and service quantity identifier (SQI) associated with the service agreement.

Note: The bill_segment_id, bill_service_quantity_unit_of_measure, bill_service_quantity_time_of_use, and service_quantity_identifer fields below are meant to be used together to form a unique key. The first field is required, and the other fields can be empty. Your Delivery Team will work with you to ensure that these fields are used correctly.

Field Description


The primary utility identifier of a bill. This is used to disambiguate bills.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.

Note: This field is not required if you are sending your billing data in a single file to Oracle Utilities. See Billing Data File Specifications for more information.


The unique identifier of the bill segment in the source system.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.

Note: This field is not required if you are sending your billing data in a single file to Oracle Utilities. See Billing Data File Specifications for more information.


The unit of measure of the service quantity.

Type: VARCHAR(30)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.


The time of use (TOU) of the service quantity. An identifier of the TOU used in a rate plan.


Type: VARCHAR(30)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.


The service quantity identifier of the service quantity.

Example Values:

  • DAYS
  • GEN

Type: VARCHAR(30)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.


The start time of the first read in the group.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The end time of the last read in the group.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The service quantity that will be priced by the service agreement’s rate.

Type: DECIMAL(18,6). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: No.


The date at which the record was updated in the source system. If left blank, the field does not store any data.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.

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