Legacy Billing Data File Specifications

This section describes the distinct data fields that the utility must provide in the billing data file. The descriptions are organized into tables for each data entity represented in the billing data file: Customer, Account, Service Point, and Usage. (For an overview of these data entities, see Legacy Billing Data Entity Definitions.) Your Oracle Utilities Opower Delivery Team will work with you to determine whether you should provide all of the data in a single data file or in two separate data files. If you use a single file, then all of the data described must be included in the same file. If you use two separate files, then the two files should be organized be as follows:

  1. One file must contain the data fields associated with the Customer, Account, and Service Point entities.
  2. One file must contain the data fields associated with the Usage entity.

Your Delivery Team can also provide a billing data mapping template to assist with the process of relating the data in your system with the data that Oracle Utilities requires. Contact your Delivery Team for more information.

In this section:

Column Order Matters!
In order for the data importer to interpret your data correctly, the fields must appear (from left to right) in a consistent order. Even if you do not send data for optional fields, you cannot remove columns from the file. Imports will also fail if you add additional columns to the middle of the file. For more information about the order of individual data files and file formatting rules, see Legacy Billing Data File Order and File Format.