File Transfer Setup - Unix or Linux

The Unix or Linux file transfer setup procedure uses OpenSSH to create a key pair and the command line to transfer files to an SFTP site.

Generating SSH Keys with ssh-keygen

  1. Install OpenSSH from the following location:
  2. Create an SSH key pair using the following command:
    [username@host tmp]$ ssh-keygen –b 4096 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa_opower
  3. Send the public key (~/.ssh/ to your Oracle Utilities Service Delivery Manager.

Warning: Do not send the private key to Oracle Utilities. The private key should remain with your utility for security purposes. If you send the private key to Oracle Utilities, then it will be deleted, and a new public-private key pair will need to be generated.

Transferring Files with SFTP

Logging In

You can log in using the following command:

sftp -o IdentityFile=~/.ssh/id_dsa_opower <username>@<client_code>

In this case, <username> is your client code. Your client code is provided by your Oracle Utilities Delivery Team, and is typically an acronym for your utility name. For example, if your utility name is the Great Energy Company, your client code might be gec. The username must be entered as lower case.

If you do not know what names to enter for either of these variables, please contact your Delivery Team. An example of a session is shown below:

[username@host tmp]$  sftp -o 
Connecting to
Unauthorized access prohibited. 

It is expected behavior to see the “Unauthorized access prohibited” warning.

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Transferring a File

To transfer a file, use the cd command to change the directory and enter the command to send the file. In the example below, the file hello.txt is placed in the Uploads directory. (Note that the name of the Uploads directory is capitalized and case-sensitive.)

sftp> cd Uploads
sftp> put hello.txt
Uploading hello.txt to 
hello.txt   100%   20
0.0KB/s   00:00

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