Premise Fields

The premise entity includes fields related to the qualities of a physical location, such as the premise type, mailing address, country, and time zone.

Note: Although the fields below are described separately from the other fields in the premise data file, any premise data that you send to Oracle Utilities must be included in the same file, with all columns included in every row of the file. See Premise Data File Specifications for more information.

Field Description


Premise identifier in a utility's Customer Information System or other system of record.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: No. Primary Key.


The business-oriented name of the premise from a utility company’s perspective.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: Yes. Business Key.


The premise identifier from an external system. For example, this may be a premise identifier from a system other than Oracle Utilities Customer to Meter solution or the Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing solution.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The unique identifier of the parent premise. This is typical for buildings that include multiple residences, such as apartments and condos.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: Yes


A code that represents the type of premise. A standard for this value is not enforced. Any non-standard value provided will be handled with a mapping during transformation to the canonical model.

Source values from the utility's system should be consistent. For example, values like town home and bungalow may be mapped to the value for single family homes. To map source values accurately, Oracle Utilities Opower must be assured that the source values are part of a standardized, predefined list rather than a set of free-form text entries.

Example Values: SFR (single-family residence), MFR (multi-family residence)

Type: VARCHAR(8)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A short description of the premise.

Example Values: Single Family, Multi Family, Hospital, Apartment

Type: VARCHAR(100)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Address line 1 of the premise.

Note: At least one address line must be populated. Other address lines are optional.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: No.


Address line 2 of the premise.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Address line 3 of the premise.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


Address line 4 of the premise.

Type: VARCHAR(254)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The locality of the premise. This is typically a city in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The postal code of the premise.

Type: VARCHAR(12)

Can Be Empty?: No.


A first-order civil entity below the country level, such as states in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A second-order civil entity below the country level, such as counties in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


A third-order civil entity below the country level, such as suburbs and neighborhoods in the United States.

Type: VARCHAR(90)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The two-character code representing the country of the premise. For a full list of country codes, see Wikipedia - Officially Assigned Code Elements.

Type: VARCHAR(2)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The distinct business entities or jurisdictions of the premise in a utility's Customer Information System or other system of record.

Type: VARCHAR(3)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The timezone of the premise. The value provided must conform to the specification in the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority database.

Type: VARCHAR(32)

Can Be Empty?: No.


The latitude of the service address, expressed as a decimal number of degrees between -90 and 90, with no directional indicators.

Any latitude data should have three-digit precision or better. If it is less specific than this, leave this field null. If no latitude value is available, leave this field empty instead of supplying a value of 0.

Type: DECIMAL(9,7). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The longitude of the service address, expressed as a decimal number of degrees between -180 and 180, with no directional indicators.

Any longitude data should be rooftop or better. If it is less specific than rooftop, leave this field null. If no longitude value is available, leave this empty instead of supplying a value of 0.

Type: DECIMAL(10,7). See Supported Decimal Formats for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The unique account ID of the landlord agreement that covers the premise, if any. This value must match the value of the account_id field listed in the Account Fields section of the Account File.

Type: VARCHAR(40)

Can Be Empty?: Yes.


The date on which the record was updated in the Customer Information System or other system of record. If left blank, this field does not store any data.

Type: DATETIME. See Date and Time Handling for details.

Can Be Empty?: Yes.

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