Magic Link Inputs

Magic links enable utilities to use pre-authenticated links in their email and paper communications so that customers can access a feature without having to enter a username and password. Anyone with access to the link can select it to view the requested information without any additional authentication.

Magic Links are currently available for use in Oracle Utilities Opower Affordability Proactive Alerts.

The configuration items listed in the table below are specific to the use of Magic Links in your customer communications, and are required only if you are using features that include these links. For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value

Link Placement

Placement of a Magic Link button or URL within a communication varies by feature.


Work with your Delivery Team to confirm the location of the link in your communications.

URL for Magic Link

Placement of a Magic Link button or URL within a communication varies by feature.


Use this URL:

Link Duration - Paper Communications

Specify the duration that the link is valid.

Default: By default, links sent in paper communications are valid for 45 days.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default option.

Specify the number of days:

Link Duration - Email Communications

Specify the duration that the link is valid.

Default: By default, links sent in email communications are valid for 14 days.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default option.

Specify the number of days:

Scope of Access Agreement

Because Magic Links provide pre-authenticated access to customer data, you must work with your Delivery Team to ensure that you have a complete understanding of the information that will be provided to the user when they use the Magic Link.

The default scope of access varies by feature.


Work with your Delivery Team to confirm the scope of access for your link.

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