Home Energy Report Inputs

The configuration items listed in the table below are specific to the Home Energy Report (HER) or Email Home Energy Report (eHER) products, and are required only if you are configuring those products. For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option Input Value

Program Name

The program name appears on print Oracle Utilities Opower Home Energy Reports and on the Oracle Utilities Opower Web Portal. By default, the program name is Home Energy Report.


"Neighbors" and "Similar Homes" Terminology

"Neighbors" and "Similar Homes" terminology can be replaced in the Home Energy Report experiences.


  • Home Energy Reports v2: By default, "Neighbors" terminology is used.
  • Home Energy Reports v3: By default, "Similar Homes" terminology is used.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default option.

Use the alternative terminology:

  • Home Energy Report v2: Use "Similar Homes" terminology.
  • Home Energy Report v3: Use "Neighbors" terminology.

Legal Language

Up to 250 characters of legal, disclaimer, or business-related language can be added to the footers of Home Energy Reports and Oracle Utilities Opower Email Home Energy Reports. This language can also be added to the Energy Efficiency Web Portal - Classic.

Default: By default, no legal language is included.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default option.

Add the following legal language to Home Energy Reports, Email Home Energy Reports, and the Energy Efficiency Web Portal - Classic (up to 250 characters):