Hourly Breakdown

The Hourly Breakdown feature displays the hourly use for a customer's highest use day from the previous week. It allows customers to notice trends in their usage according to the time of day, which helps them identify ways they can save energy. Dual fuel versions of the communication include graphs for both electric and gas use.


The image below is an example of the Hourly Breakdown module for electricity customers.

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option

Input Value


The title indicates the general time period during which the customer used the most energy.

Default: Varies by time of day. See User Experience Variations below for details.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default titles.

Work with your Delivery Team to specify different titles.

Line Colors

Colors in the graph line graph and in the shading below the line can match the utility’s color palette.

Default: The colors in the example represent the default colors.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default colors.

Work with your Delivery Team to specify other colors.

Call-to-Action URL

The call-to-action URL (“See more electricity trends”) directs the user to another web feature where this more detailed information about their energy use over time.

Default: The link points to the Digital Self Service - Energy Management Data Browser.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default.

Work with your Delivery Team to discuss pointing the link to a different feature or web page.

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User Experience Variations

The user experience varies for customers depending upon their service types, available data, costs, and locale. Note that the following list indicates the primary user experience variations, not all possible variations.


For gas-only customers, the electricity unit “kWh” is replaced by “therms” or "CCFs" (whichever unit of measure is appropriate for the utility), and the word "electricity" is replaced by "gas".

Dual Fuel

Dual fuel customers see two separate Hourly Breakdown modules, one for electricity use and one for gas. The button below each graph specifies the fuel type.


The title varies by the time period during which the customer used the most energy.

  • “On [date], you used the most in the morning.”
  • “On [date], you used the most in the afternoon.”
  • “On [date], you used the most in the evening.”
  • “On [date], you used the most at night.”

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