Footer Module

The footer includes components that provide more context about the alert. These components include:

  • An unsubscribe link
  • A manage preferences link
  • The utility's contact information
  • An Oracle Utilities copyright statement
  • A disclaimer statement (Optional)

Typically the footer information is the same for all outbound communications a utility sends.


This image shows an example of the Footer module:

This image shows an example of the Footer module.

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Options Input Value

Unsubscribe URL

Utilities must provide the URL where customers are directed to if they want to unsubscribe from the emails.


Specify the URL:

Unsubscribe Link Text

You can specify the text associated with the unsubscribe link.

Default: Unsubscribe from these emails


Choose one of the following:

Use the default text.

Use this text:

Manage Preference Link

Provide a link to a web page where a customer can edit their communication preferences.

Default: If your program includes a standalone version of the Oracle Utilities Opower web portal, then by default the link points to the appropriate account management web page that comes with the product.

If your program includes embedded web widgets, then by default the link points to the Digital Self Service Account Center widget.


Choose one of the following:

Use the default Manage Preferences link.

Do not include a Manage Preferences link.

Work with your Delivery Team to use a different link.

Utility Name and Address

The utility's name and mailing address must appear due to CAN-SPAM regulations in the US and similar regulations abroad.


Specify the name and address to use in the email footer:

Legal Text

This is the copyright and any other legal text required by the utility and/or Oracle Utilities.


Use the following legal text in the email footer:

Disclaimer Text

This is any additional text required by the utility and/or Oracle Utilities. Disclaimer text appears below the copyright text. Adding a disclaimer is optional.


Use the following disclaimer text in the email footer:

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