Post Bill Always On Module

The Post Bill Always On module tells customers how much of their electric use is associated with things that are always on in their home. The amount, which is always displayed as a percentage, is due to electricity that is used by some appliances and electronics that use energy simply because they are plugged in.

The amount is calculated using the Always-on Disaggregation Model, which estimates the electricity consumption associated with appliances and electronics that consistently draw power even when they are off or in sleep mode, such as set-top boxes, gaming consoles, security systems, and digital assistants. It also estimates consumption for appliances which are always running, such as refrigerators.

At the end of the module, utilities can also direct users to a utility website that explains always-on usage.


The image below is an example of the Post Bill Always On module:

Configuration Options

For each element listed in the table, indicate the desired configuration in the Input Value column. If you do not provide an input for optional configurations, the default will be used.

Configuration Option

Input Value

Learn More Link

The Learn more link at the end of the statement can be configured to point to a utility resource. The link can be removed if the utility does not have an appropriate website to direct customers to that can explain always-on usage in more detail.

Default: Link is included. Utility must provide URL.


Choose one of the following:

Include the link and use the following URL:

Remove the link.

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