Canceling One Time Payments
Scheduled or processed one time payments could get canceled for specific reasons. For instance, a processed payment could get canceled if a customer disputed a credit card charge or if the bank account has insufficient funds. When there is a need to cancel an existing scheduled or processed one time payment, the third party payment processor will cancel the one time payment in their system and call the C1-ThirdPartyOneTimePayNotification inbound web service with a Cancel action, passing in either a pending one time payment’s Service Task ID (if canceling a scheduled payment) or a processed one time payment’s Payment Event ID (if canceling a processed payment).
The inbound web service processes the one time payment cancellation as follows:
For a scheduled on time payment, the existing Third Party One Time Payment Task is simply transitioned to the Discarded state.
For a processed payment, the cancellation is processed as follows:
Since the original Third Party One Time Payment Task is already in the Completed state, a new Third Party One Time Payment Task is created to process the cancellation. Logic on the Process Payment state will cancel the existing Payment Tender using the Payment Event ID that is passed in from the web service.
The Tender Cancel Reason is taken from the Third Party Payment Processing Integration master configuration.
A reference to the cancellation Service Task ID is stored as a characteristic on the payment tender using the Cancellation Reference Characteristic Type that is defined in master configuration.
If master configuration is also set up with a Payment Auto-Cancel To Do Type, a To Do Entry is created.
For more information about the lifecycle of the Third Party One Time Payment Notification service task, refer to the C1-ThirdPartyOneTimePayTask business object in the system.
For more information about master configuration settings, refer to the Third Party Payment Processing Integration master configuration in the system.