Batch Alerts Overview
Batch Alerts provide alerting and monitoring mechanisms for batch and batch job streams. Alerts are raised when desired batch jobs or batch job streams do not perform as expected.
Currently there are few level of service algorithms on batch controls to indicate how the corresponding batch jobs are doing.
New level of service algorithms are now introduced on the batch controls.
In addition, level of service algorithms are introduced on batch job streams to determine overall health of batch job streams.
New installation options health check algorithms are introduced for health component batch and batch job stream. Each health component’s health check algorithm will invoke their level of service algorithms and return the overall results
Overall results from health check algorithms are displayed on the health check portal for monitoring purposes to view overall health of the system.
To receive alerts on overall health of the system, use the alert probe — bash script external utility that probes the system and sends email notifications to configurable set of email addresses.
The alert probe can be run on windows or linux machines. Alerts can be customized for errors and warnings. A paging alert is sent in case of errors. A non-paging alert is sent in case of warnings.
The frequency at which alerts are raised is configurable.
The alert probe is provided on an use-as-is basis, no support is provided for it.