Configuring a New Scheduler Program
In order to configure a new Scheduler Program, from the Admin menu, select Batch Operations, and select Scheduler Program. Use the Scheduler Program portal to search for and view existing scheduler programs.
A Scheduler Program is an entity that holds details of a batch control. A Scheduler Program is a counterpart of DBMS program in Oracle Scheduler. Every batch control’s batch job can be run by Oracle scheduler only if it has a corresponding DBMS program defined. When a batch control is specified on a Batch Job Stream Definition a corresponding DBMS program for it is created in Oracle Scheduler. It is created in such a way that if the batch job run fails the step fails and the batch job stream stops processing. This is done by defaulting the scheduler exit status to 30.
A special Scheduler Program can also be created to set a handful of options on the Oracle Scheduler and change their default behavior. These options can be set at a GLOBAL level to affect all programs in Oracle Scheduler or they can be confined to specific batch control or batch job stream definition.
When confined to a specific batch control, the options are applicable to all scheduler programs created for that batch control across all batch job stream definitions. When applied to a specific batch job stream definition, the options are applicable to all scheduler programs part of that batch job stream definition. In addition, the options can be applied to a specific batch control on a desired batch job stream definition.
Some of these options are also available on a Scheduler Program specific to a batch control and can be overridden on it. For example, if a batch control has a parameter “thread pool” then the thread pool can be overridden on its Scheduler Program.