Conversion Task Types
To configure a new conversion task type, navigate using Admin –> Conversion Support –> Conversion Task Type.
Conversion task type controls the data load parameters for the target table or maintenance object. Conversion task type also defines the transactional business object for Conversion Task. The algorithms linked to the transactional business object are responsible for the generation of the Conversion Artifacts: control files, input data specifications and file lists.
The product is delivered with several conversion task types whose names start with “K1”. These configurations should not be changed directly as they reflect the default behavior of the product. The task types get refreshed with base values at each upgrade.. Use them as a templates; if needed, create a copy and modify it according to your requirements.
Conversion Task Types defines:
General Input Data Instructions (all Conversion Task Types Business Objects)
Control File Header - a fragment of the control file that contains general load parameters. This fragment is included in the generated control file. This is a Foreign Key reference to the Managed Content entry.
Override Control File - a full text of the control file that contains both load parameters and field definitions. The entire text is copied into generated control file ‘as is’. This is a Foreign Key reference to the Managed Content entry.
Date and DateTime fields’ formats. These attributes are referencing the Extendable Lookup values for K1–ConvLoadDateFormatLookup and K1–ConvLoadDateTimeFmtLookup business objects
Strings to use as data delimiters and data enclosing characters. These attributes are referencing the Extendable Lookup values for K1–ConvFileDelimiterLookup and K1–ConvFileEnclosingCharLookup business objects
CLOB data extract rule indicates whether the CLOB data is supplied as part of the input data file or as a separate, secondary file
CLOB data line separator defines how the records are separates in the secondary (CLOB) data file. This value should be set according to the operating system where the legacy data extract was created. This attribute is referencing the Extendable Lookup values for K1-ConvCLOBLineSeparatorLookup business object.
For Linux CLOB Line Separator set the value to LF , for Windows, set the value for CR+LF
CLOB Field Instructions for Tables/MO-s that contain multiple CLOB fields (Business Objects K1-ConvArtMultClobMOTaskType and K1-ConvArtMultClobTblTaskType)
Target Object — Table or Maintenance Object
Exclude CLOB Fields list — the list of CLOB fields that are not expected to be provided with the legacy data extract and therefore should be excluded from the generated control file.
The following Conversion Task Types are pre-configured in the product:
K1-CNV-TABLE - meant to be used for a single table load. It is referencing a Transactional Conversion Task Business Object whose algorithms generate Table Conversion Artifacts
K1-CNV-MO - meant to be used for a single maintenance object load. It is referencing a Transactional Conversion Task Business Object whose algorithms generate Maintenance Object Conversion Artifacts
K1-CNV-KEY-TABLE – meant to be used for the Key Tables. Key Tables are index-organized tables (IOT) and as such cannot be loaded in multiple concurrent sessions of SQL loader. This Task Type is referencing a Control File Header (Managed Content) where Parallel Load parameter is set to false
Special configurations for tables that include more than one CLOB field
If no dedicated Conversion Task Type is configured and defined on the Master Configuration as Override Instruction for the Table or MO, the system uses the default Conversion Instruction defined on the Master Configuration. In this case, the generated Control File and Input Data File Specifications will reference a single CLOB field among Table’s multiple CLOB fields (the one with the lowest table field sequence).
If a dedicated Conversion Task Type is configured for the Table or Maintenance Object, using business objects K1-ConvArtMultClobMOTaskType or K1-ConvArtMultClobTblTaskType), but no fields were added to Exclude CLOB Fields list, the generated Control File and Input Data File Specifications will reference all CLOB fields.
If a dedicated Conversion Task Type is configured for the Table or Maintenance Object, using business objects Business Objects K1-ConvArtMultClobMOTaskType or K1-ConvArtMultClobTblTaskType), and some fields were added to Exclude CLOB Fields list, the generated Control File and Input Data File Specifications will omit excluded CLOB fields.