Input Data for Maintenance Object
The extract for a maintenance object contains delimited data records for all tables included in the maintenance object. Depending on the conversion configuration, the CLOB data should be supplied either inline or in a separate, secondary files, one file per table containing CLOB. Refer to Notes on Secondary Data Files (CLOB Data) for limitations concerning XML CLOB data and more details.
Input Data File Names
Input data file names has to follow the rules described in this chapter. The names are case-sensitive.
File names for Maintenance Object contain Maintenance Object Code. If the code includes spaces or special characters, it should be replaced with ‘_​​’, for example:
For actual MO Code: SP/MTR HIST, in the file name, use SP_​​MTR_​​HST
File Type
File Name
Single data file per Maintenance Object, no CLOB
File name equal target maintenance object name, i.e. PREMISE
Single data file per Maintenance Object, single CLOB column in the table, CLOB data in secondary file
Primary file name equal maintenance object name, i.e. PREMISE
Secondary files name composed as maintenance object name concatenated with table name concatenated with ‘_​​CLOB’.
For example, if PREMISE’s CI_​​PREM table contains CLOB, the secondary file name is: PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​CLOB
Single data file per Maintenance Object, multiple CLOB columns in the table, CLOB data in secondary file
Primary file name equal maintenance object name, i.e. PREMISE
For each CLOB column being uploaded, the secondary files name composed as maintenance object name concatenated with table name concatenated with CLOB column name concatenated with ‘_​​CLOB’.
For example, if PREMISE’s CI_​​PREM table contains two CLOB columns COL1 and COL2 , the secondary file names are: PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL1_​CLOB, PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL2_​CLOB
Multiple data file per Maintenance Object, no CLOB
File name is composed as target maintenance object name concatenated with file number, i.e. PREMISE1, PREMISE 2 etc
Multiple data file per Maintenance Object, single CLOB column in the table, CLOB data in secondary file
Primary file name is composed as target maintenance object name concatenated with file number, i.e. PREMISE1, PREMISE 2 etc
Secondary files name composed as maintenance object name concatenated with table name concatenated with ‘_​​CLOB’ concatenated with file number.
For example, if PREMISE’s CI_​​PREM table contains CLOB, the secondary file names are: PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​CLOB1, PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​CLOB2, etc
Multiple data file per Maintenance Object, multiple CLOB columns in the table, CLOB data in secondary file
Primary file name is composed as target maintenance object name concatenated with file number, i.e. PREMISE1, PREMISE 2 etc
For each CLOB column being uploaded, the secondary files name composed as maintenance object name concatenated with table name concatenated with column name concatenated with ‘_​​CLOB’ concatenated with file number.
For example, if PREMISE’s CI_​​PREM table contains two CLOB columns COL1 and COL2 , the secondary file names are: PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL1_​CLOB1, PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL1_​CLOB2, PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL2_​CLOB1, PREMISE_​​CI_​​PREM_​​COL2_​CLOB2 etc