Batch Job Step Exceptions
Batch job steps start a batch job either locally or on a different product environment.
Batch job step in Failed status as a result of a batch job error
When a batch process (local or remote) ends with an error, the process step is automatically transitioned to Failed status.
In this case, you should:
1. Ascertain the cause of the job failure (in the local or remote environment).
2. If the issue is temporary or can be fixed, fix it and then rerun the batch job manually using the Batch Job Submission page (in the local or remote environment). If the resubmitted job ended successfully, you can transition the process step to the Completed status and use the Resume action at the process level to continue the process execution.
If the issue cannot be resolved, further investigation is required. In this case the process should remain in Stopped status.
Batch job step in In Progress status while batch job ended with an error
When an Infrastructure Process Step that is associated with a batch job stays in In Progress status while the batch job ended with an error, further investigation is required. One possible cause for that situation could be an error that causes the job to fail and at the same time also prevents the job from communicating its status back to the originating process step.
In this case you should manually transition the step into Failed status and continue your investigation.
If you decide to stop the Infrastructure Process altogether (as a result of the exception), it is a good idea to mark the batch job that failed as “Do Not Attempt Restart” in the Batch Run Control for that batch run. This will ensure that the next time the Infrastructure Processes runs, when it gets to that batch process step it will not attempt to resume the execution that ended with an exception, possibly causing a repeat of the exception.
Batch job step in In Progress status while batch job ended successfully
When an Infrastructure Process Step that is associated with a batch job stays in In Progress status while the batch job ended successfully, further investigation is required. In this case, once you ascertained that the job did actually end successfully, you can manually transition the process step into Completed status and use the Resume action at the process level to continue its execution.