Master Configuration Setup
The process automation tool relies on master configuration settings in order to identify all the product environments that are available to it. The Master Configuration is automatically setup as part of the system provisioning process.
This section describes the setup options in case manual changes are needed.
To access the configuration for the process automation tool, navigate using Admin > General > Master Configuration and look for Process Automation Configuration.
The Main section includes the definition of the Current Environment code and the default file extension for CMA export files.
The Current Environment code is a unique code that is given to each product environment.
The Environment List section describes all the existing product environments that the process automation tool need to interact with, for example, in order to run a process that moves integration configuration from one environment to another.
The environment in the list includes the following details:
Environment: the environment code.
Product: defined in the Process Automation Product extendable lookup.
Domain: defined in the Process Automation Domain extendable lookup.
Migration Source: select “Yes” if you can migrate configuration data from this environment.
You should not allow automated migration of configuration from your development environment directly to your production environment but you would allow migrating from the development to test environments.
External System: reference to the External System definition that will support communication with the row’s environment.