CMA Migration (K1-CMA-MIGRATE)
The K1-CMA-MIGRATE Infrastructure Process Type supports a full or partial migration of configuration data, from a remote environment (the source) to the environment that the process is running on (the target).
The configuration migration process is done as a PULL (running on the target environment and pulling data from the source environment) to make sure that users without security privileges to make changes in a product environment “A” won’t be able to run a process from a remote environment “B” that will force changes into “A”.
K1-CMA-MIGRATE is based on K1-CMAMigrationProcessType Infrastructure Process Type BO and uses the K1-CMAMigration as the Infrastructure Process BO.
This configuration migration process type includes all the necessary steps to create an export CMA file from a migration request on the source environment, store the file in a shared file location (accessible by the source and target environment processes) and to run all the import batch processes on the target environment to process the file. This process type also includes a step for a manual user review of the imported data if needed.
The shared file location is configured on the Migration Assistant Configuration master configuration entity and is defaulted to an Oracle Cloud Object Storage location during the system installation process.
Using the CMA Migration Infrastructure Process Type
In order to migrate configuration data from a remote environment (the source environment) to the current environment (the target environment) you need to:
Create a new infrastructure process with the K1-CMA-MIGRATE Infrastructure Process Type and provide the following additional details:
From Environment: select the source environment from which the data will be migrated to the target environment (the current environment). The list of valid environments to choose from is taken from the Process Automation Master Configuration. The target environment is always the current environment - the one that this process is created on.
The Process Steps list is for reference only.
Migration Request: specify the CMA Migration Request ID that will be used for the migration process. The migration request should exists on the source environment and will be validated against that environment.
Export filename: specify the CMA export file name that will be used for the export and import process. You should specify the full name including the file extension name. If you leave this field empty, the system will default the file name according to the migration request ID and the default file extension name.
User Review Needed: select “Yes” only if you are expecting the CMA file to include data that already exists in the system and need to be reviewed before changes are applied.
Default Status For Add, Default Status For Update are relevant in case you selected to have a user review. In this case define the default status of migration data items when imported into the target environment.
Once the process is saved, you can start it by selecting the Start action.
Before using this Infrastructure Process Type, make sure that the import and export directories for the Migration Assistant Configuration master configuration entry are pointing to the SAME shared location. This is required for a successful completion of this process type.