Identity Domains
The Oracle Utilities Cloud Service configurations are defined and maintained in an Identity Domain. Initial provision of the service results in all environments being connected to a single Identity Domain (usually a Default domain).
Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration diagram
This topology may be modified in the future. For example, you may create an additional Identity Domain that is dedicated for production environment. In this scenario, you should submit a request for the reconnection to the Oracle support team.
Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration diagram
The following configurations are necessary to perform the identity and access management for the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services
Application: For Oracle Utilities cloud services the application represents a single environment, Production or non-Production. Applications are created by the service provisioning process.
Application Role: The Application Role represents an entitlement to access one of the components within the environment. By assigning user or groups to an Application Role the security administrator is authorizing access to the corresponding component(s). Application Roles are created by the service provisioning process.
User: Users represent a human or non-human entity that is accessing the environment. User records are created and managed by the Security Administrator.
Group: Groups comprise of one or more users. Groups are created and managed by the Security Administrator.
Oracle Identity Cloud Service configuration diagram