Setup Process Summary
Note that he following assumes the Security Administrator account has been activated.
If you wish to delegate the just-in-time provisioning and access/authorization setup, assign administrator role to at least one user per environment (see Updating Security Privileges).
Access the environment and configure Just-In-Time provisioning according to the product's specifications (see Configuring User Provisioning Rules - OUAF).
Setup the Identity Management Integration Master Configuration for Customer Cloud Services. Make sure the IAM Groups are the same Groups that were used for the User/Group import files.
Perform import of Users, Groups and Application Roles using the import files prepared above (see Bulk Upload and Download).
Setup at least one integration (non-human) user per environment of each Oracle Utilities cloud service and communicate the credentials to the implementation team (see Setting Up an Integration User for REST/SOAP Web Services)
Setup access to production environment for those users who are responsible for legacy data migration