Navigating to the Identity Domain
The Identity Domain can be accessed via the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure portal.
Accessing via Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Portal
On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Portal dashboard, click the hamburger menu right corner of the screen.
Find and expand the Identity and Security link.
Click the Domains option under Identity. You'll be redirected to Domains portal. When logging in for the first time, the Domains list will be empty. You should select a compartment from the Compartments list on the left navigation pane. Pick the root compartment and the Domains list will be reloaded.
If there is only one domain (named Default) on the list, select it. If you observe multiple domains, select the Oracle Identity Cloud Services domain.
The Domain Overview screen opens. It contains a general information such as the domain’s name and description, domain type, and home region.
Note the Domain URL field. In order to retrieve detailed information about Identity Domain, compose discovery URL by concatenate the domain URL (without port) with /.well-known/idcs-configuration?region=true and access it in your browser.