Assigning and Removing User Group Permissions
The Group options in this section are examples only. Your environment may have different group types or group names.
Assigning User Group Permissions
Use the following procedure to assign a user to a group:
1. Locate the user in Oracle Utility Analytic Insights and open the dialog box for the user. See Locating Provisioned Users in Oracle Utility Analytics Insights.
2. Click Assign Additional Group.
3. Select the appropriate group from the Add Group drop-down list, and click Save. The Manage Users dialog box will update the Group field with the assigned group.
4. If a user needs permissions for multiple groups, repeat the previous steps for each additional group.
5. Click Cancel or any area outside of the dialog box to close the dialog box.
Removing User Group Permissions
Use the following procedure to remove group assignments:
1. Open the Manage User dialog box for the user. See Locating Provisioned Users in Oracle Utility Analytics Insights.
2. Click Remove next to the group name you want to remove.
Assigning User Role Permissions
Users must be assigned roles in order to access the environment. Once assigned roles, a user will be able to choose from the modules that correspond to their assigned roles.
Use the following procedure to assign user role permissions:
1. Open the Manage User dialog box for the user. See Locating Provisioned Users in Oracle Utility Analytics Insights.
2. Click Assign Additional Role. The dialog will update with a drop-down list of the available roles based on the modules licensed to the customer.
3. Select the appropriate role from the list and click Save. The Manage Users dialog box will update the Role field with the newly assigned role.
4. If the user needs permissions for multiple roles, repeat the steps for each additional role.
5. Click Cancel or any area outside of the dialog box to close the dialog box.
Removing User Role Permissions
Use the following procedure to remove user role permissions:
1. Open the Manage User dialog box for the user. See Locating Provisioned Users in Oracle Utility Analytics Insights.
2. Click Remove next to the role.