Object Storage Connection Configuration
Each connection configuration is represented in the system via the File Storage Configuration extendable lookup (F1-FileStorage). Each value for that extendable lookup should contain the information described below.
In order to configure a new connection, go to the Extendable Lookup portal by selecting Admin, then General, then Extendable Lookup, then Search, and search for "File Storage Configuration". After selecting it, click Add to add a new value.
When adding a new value, select the Oracle Cloud Object Storage file adapter and provide the following information:
User: the User Identification (OCID Key) that is used for that connection.
A unique user ID should be defined for each system environment (for example Dev, Test, Prod) that is connecting to that object storage tenancy. It is strongly recommended that this user ID is not used for other purposes.
If one system environment is required to connect to multiple object storage tenancies, there should be a different user ID for each of these tenancies.
Tenancy: the tenancy ID (OCID Key) of the object storage tenancy.
Compartment: the compartment ID (OCID Key) of the compartment for that connection.
Each compartment needs a separate connection configuration.
Namespace: the Namespace of the object storage tenancy.
Key Ring: the Key Ring name that was created in the system. See API Key Management for more information.
Region: the region of the object storage tenancy for that connection. Reminder: object storage tenancies can have multiple regions if additional subscription was done.
Bucket Name Prefix: a name prefix that will be added to the bucket name of file paths referencing object storage (see Referencing Files on Object Storage for more information).