Referencing Files on Object Storage
Reference to Object Storage can be used anywhere that a file location reference is allowed in the system.
The format is file-storage://<File Location>/<Bucket>/<Filename.ext>, where:
<File-Location>: The File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value defined for that file. This will include the compartment identification.
<Bucket>: The object storage bucket in the compartment that is defined as part of the File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value.
<Filename.ext>: The name of the file.
For example, the "payment_info.dat" file in the "Payment-Upload" bucket in a compartment that is referenced in the "AB-Payments" File Storage Configuration extendable lookup value can be referenced as "file-storage://AB-Payments/Payment-Upload/payment_info.dat".
Using the Bucket Name Prefix
If you set the Bucket Name Prefix in the File Storage configuration, any file path referencing this configuration will be automatically revised at runtime, adding the name prefix to the bucket name.
This allows you to define different name prefix for buckets for each environment (or for production vs non-production environments) and keep your file paths for your batch jobs the same in each environment.
For example:
You can create all your non-production buckets with a "NP-" name prefix, and all your production buckets without a name prefix.
You can then define a File Storage configuration named "OS-APP" in each of your environments and set the Bucket Name Prefix to:
"NP-" in all of the non-production environments
Blank in the production environment
When you will use a file path reference on your batch jobs, for example "file-storage://OS-APP/AB-Payments" then:
When the job related to that file runs in a non-production environment it will reference the payment files in the "NP-AB-Payments" bucket
When the job runs in the production environment it will reference the "AB-Payments" bucket