Preparing your Disaster Recovery Region
If cross-region disaster recovery was enabled for your system, it will be automatically set up to be ready for a disaster event in terms of availability of resources on your System Disaster Recovery Region, according to your service level agreements.
It is your responsibility to make sure that your object storage is ready as well.
Since Object Storage is a regional service, there is no automatic disaster recovery for that. Assuming your Object Storage Home Region is identical to your System Home Region, you need to plan for the eventuality that this region might become unavailable and so you will need to have your object storage available on another region.
The first thing you will need to do is to subscribe to an additional data region to be your Object Storage Disaster Recovery Region.
In order to subscribe to an additional region you should do the following:
1. In the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, select Administration, then Manage Regions and look at the list of additional available data regions. Select the data region to designate as the Object Storage Disaster Recovery Region (is it recommended to have it identical to your System Disaster Recovery Region, if possible).
2. Your request for subscription to a new data region will be processed and when it is completed, you will see your new region in the list of available regions.
3. You will also be able to switch to this data region in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console via the Region drop-down list.
Copying Your Object Storage Bucket Structure
Your Oracle Identification and Access Management (IAM) definitions (i.e. users, groups, policies and compartments) are all maintained in your Object Storage Home Region and these definitions are replicated automatically to all the other regions to which you are subscribed.
Object Storage Buckets are region dependent which means that each data region can have its own set of buckets.
In order for your system to continue to work properly once it is switched to your System Disaster Recovery Region (for functions that require access to object storage), your object storage bucket structure should exist in your Object Storage Disaster Recovery Region.
Therefore we recommend that you synchronize your bucket structure periodically between your Object Storage Home Region and Object Storage Disaster Recovery Region. This means, at a minimum, that buckets created in your Object Storage Home Region should be also added to your Object Storage Disaster Recovery Region.
Copying Your Object Storage Data
You may also choose to periodically copy the objects inside your buckets from your Object Storage Home Region to your Object Storage Disaster Recovery region.
Please note that copying data from one region to another will result in the use of additional object storage space, which in turn can lead to additional cost per billing period.
Refer to Using Replication in the Object Storage section of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Documentation for more information about configuring data replication policies to copy data between buckets in different regions.
If you have the ability to re-create lost data when a disaster occurs, then you might not need to copy your data across regions in advance, for example:
Most files generated by your system via batch jobs can be regenerated if necessary
3rd party applications that load files into object storage may also be able to reproduce these files upon request