Tenant Information
Information about the tenancy is displayed when selecting Governance & Administration from the left side menu in your OCI Console and then selecting Tenancy Details under the Account Management section.
The information displayed is important for connecting the system to Object Storage, and includes:
The OCID key of the tenancy: This is the tenancy identification.
Home Region: This is the main data region selected for this tenancy. Additional data regions added to this tenancy can be defined.
Object Storage Namespace: This identifier is pre-generated and is needed for the connection of the system to Object Storage.
When a cloud account is created, a Home Region is assigned to it. This will be the Home Region you selected when you activated your order and created the account. The Home Region is the main data region that is linked to that account. Additional data regions can be subscribed to for the tenancy if access to regions outside the home regions are required.
The list of all available regions is displayed by selecting Region Management under the Account Management section of the Governance & Administration page. Clicking Subscription for a region will add that to the list of available regions for this tenancy. All administration tasks will be conducted at the home region but will be synced to the other regions automatically. Please note that when connecting the system to object storage the region has to be identified as well.