Recommended Setup for Multiple Cloud Services
If you are using multiple Oracle Utilities Cloud Services (for example Customer Cloud Service and Work and Asset Cloud Service) and you are still using a single Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy (and therefor single Object Storage tenancy), then:
Duplicate the Cloud Infrastructure setup (compartments, buckets, users, groups, policies, etc), one set with the CCS name prefixed and one set with the WACS name prefix.
The setup in the Utilities Cloud Service (CCS or WACS) would be identical for both. The differences will be in the references to the various Cloud Infrastructure resources prefixed with CCS or WACS, for example:
OS-SHARED in CCS will point to CCS-Shared Compartment with User CCSDEVCCS-DEV/TEST/PROD.
OS-SHARED in WACS will point to WACS-Shared Compartment with User WACSDEVWACS-DEV/TEST/PROD.