Extract/Upload by Table or Maintenance Object
The SQL Loader allows users to insert data into one or multiple tables from a single input file. Choose the more convenient option, depending on the structure of the legacy data (source), data volumes, and extract technique:
Table-level. Extract file contains data for the single table. The data is loaded into a table in the OUAF/ application database.
Maintenance Object-level. Extract file contains data for the entire object. The data is loaded into a set of tables that represent the corresponding Maintenance Object in the OUAF/ application database.
Both options are supported in Cloud Service Foundation. Generate the artifacts and review the differences in the specifications.
The table below illustrates the difference between Table and Maintenance Object data file:
Target Object
Table: CI_PER
Data file contains records for a single table.
Maintenance Object PERSON:
CI_PER_ID ….etc
Data file contains records for multiple tables within Maintenance Object. Table name serves as “record type” qualifier.
Input Data File Layout
1234, IND, Doe,…
5678, IND, Moon,...
9063, BUS, ABC Corp,..
CI_PER 1234, IND, Doe,…
CI_PER 5678, IND, Moon,...
CI_PER 9063, BUS, ABC Corp,..
CI_PER _ID 1234, SSN,72346781
CI_PER _ID 5678, SSN, 87635241
CI_PER _ID 9063, EIN, 09182835
CI_PER _ID 9063, TID, 82528555
CI_PER _NAME 1234, Doe, Mary
CI_PER _NAME 5678, Moon, Barry