This guide describes how you can migrate custom tables and Java code to the following cloud services:
Oracle Utilities Customer Care and Billing Cloud Service
Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service
Note: This capability is ONLY supported in the above listed Oracle Utilities cloud services not listed do not support this capability.
On-premises customers, including Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) customers, are permitted to extend the solutions using both custom tables and custom Java code.
Selected services have been extended to allow an initial load and limited maintenance of both custom tables and custom Java code, in compliance with Oracle policy, to allow on-premises implementations the opportunity to take advantage of the benefits of the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services. Once the custom Java and tables are loaded, the cloud native service capabilities will be used to further extend solutions.
Migration Features
Selected Oracle Utilities cloudsServices have been extended with new functionality to allow migration of on-premises customers with custom tables and/or custom Java code for extensions. This includes:
Oracle Utilities Software Development Kit (SDK) Support: Customers and partners can continue to use the external Oracle Utilities Software Development Kit (SDK) to build custom tables and/or custom Java code as they do on-premises.
Initial Load: Select Oracle Utilities cloud services include a capability to load custom tables and/or custom Java code from an on-premises implementation as part of a migration.
Compliance Checks: Custom tables and custom Java will be assessed against common standards and compliance with the Oracle Utilities cloud service. This compliance includes assessment against the published allow list and the security standards employed by the service to preserve cost and risk savings. Any non-compliance will be flagged and not loaded into the service.
Maintenance Capability: Once the custom tables and/or custom Java code is loaded into the Oracle Utilities cloud service, it can be maintained within the tolerances outlined in the service descriptions. The same capabilities used for the initial load are reused for maintenance.
Isolation of Custom Objects: To maximize efficiency and lower risk, the custom Java and/or custom tables are isolated from the main service but accessible from the service. This is to ensure compliance and reduce impact on cloud service activities.
CMA/TDM Compatibility: Once custom Java and tables are loaded into the service, they can be migrated using the Content Migration Assistant (CMA)/Test Data Management (TDM) using custom Migration Plans and Migration Requests.
Note: Test Data Management uses Content Migration Assistant to migrate master and transaction data.
The capabilities ensure compliance and stability whilst allowing custom tables and/or custom Java code to continue to be used within the Oracle Utilities cloud service.
The generic process for migrating custom tables and/or custom Java code is as follows:
Development: Code and tables are developed in an on-premises development instance using database tools and the Oracle Utilities SDK. This is similar in nature to the existing processes used for on-premises implementations. At the end of this process the SDK can export the extensions into a format acceptable to the Oracle Utilities cloud service in JAR format. A set of REST API's are available to upload the custom content to the cloud to process existing customizations.
Compliance Checking: Once the code is uploaded, it must be submitted to compliance checking for suitability for the service. This compliance checking will assess code and tables in respect to compliance against a range of standards used on the Oracle Utilities cloud service. Code that is not compliant with any of the assessed standards will not be deployed to the cloud until remediation is complete.
Publishing to Cloud: Once the code and tables are assessed as compliant with relevant standards they are assembled and loaded into the cloud environment.
Deployment: Once the code and/or tables are loaded into the cloud environment, they are deployed using the cloud infrastructure and are ready for use.
This process is illustrated in the following digram.
Diagram illustrating overall migration and maintenance process
Figure 1. Overall migration/maintenance process