Initial Cloud Service Setup - Adding a New Environment to an Existing Cloud Service
In order to setup the newly provisioned environment, customers are required to follow the below mentioned steps:
Identity Management Setup
Create User group(s) for the newly provisioned environment, if needed.
Assign roles to access the new environment to the new / existing groups.
Add Master Configuration (Identity and Access Management Integration Configuration) for mapping new or existing user groups to the template user(s) in the newly provisioned environment.
Refer to Identity and Access Management with Identity Domains in the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services Administration Guide for more information
Object Storage Setup
Create a new System Account User in OCI IAM Identity Domain representing the new environment.
Create a key ring for object storage access
Generate key in the key ring value and activate it.
Update the extendable lookup (F1-FileStorage) by adding OS-SHARED and OS-APP values referring to respective object storage compartments (with OCIDs of System Account User, Tenancy, Compartment and Namespace)
Get the Public Key from the active generated key value and update to the System Account User in the OCI IAM Identity Domain.
Refer to Object Storage Setup with Identity Domains in the Oracle Utilities Cloud Service Administration Guide for more information.
Process Automation Tool Setup (for a newly provisioned environment)
In order to set up the Process Automation Tool for all of your newly provisioned environments (for example, DEV01), run the following batch job in the newly provisioned environment:
Batch Code: K1-IPAIS
SCRIPT01_DATA: INIT,<Internal Service Code>,<Current Env Code>,file-storage://OS-SHARED/CMA-Files,file-storage://OS-SHARED/CMA-Files,<Env List>
<Internal Service Code> = CCB/CCS/MSC/WAC (Please refer to the Short Code in the Process Automation Product extendable lookup for more details)
<Current Env Code> = DEV/DEV01..20/TEST/TEST01..20/PROD
<Env List> = environment codes separated by comma without spaces, for example: DEV,TEST,PROD
For example, when the job runs in the DEV01 environment for Customer Cloud Service (CCS) the parameters would be as follows:
SCRIPT01_DATA: INIT,CCS,DEV01,file-storage://OS-SHARED/CMA-Files,file-storage://OS-SHARED/CMA-Files,DEV,TEST,PROD
Process Automation Tool Setup (for existing cloud environments)
If you add a new environment to your cloud service (for example, DEV01), you must run a similar batch job in each existing environment.
For EXISTING environments (that existed before the addition of the new environments), run the following:
Batch Code: K1-IPAIS
SCRIPT01_DATA: ADD,,<Current Env Code>,,,<Added Env List - for the current environment>
<Current Env Code> = DEV/DEV01..20/TEST/TEST01..20/PROD
<Added Env List> = environment codes separated by comma without spaces, for example: DEV,TEST,PROD
For example, if you added a DEV01 environment, when the job runs in the PROD environment the parameters should be as follows:
Security Setup
In order to finalize the process automation tools setup, run the process automation security setup in each environment. Refer to Process Automation Tool in the Oracle Utilities Cloud Service Foundation Administrative User Guide for more information.
Users must flush their browser cache after this security set up.