Using Plug-In Driven Batch Processes for Fixing Data Issues
Data fixes can often be performed using a Plug-in Driven batch which affords the following benefits:
1. Development and testing can be done in the development environment without the need for Service Requests
2. The fix will be applied through the application layer ensuring that it is well validated
3. Creating a plug-in driven batch is a relatively straight forward process that only requires SQL and scripting knowledge
For a more in depth look at how a plug-in driven batch can be used to execute a data fix, refer to Plug-in Driven Background Processes in the Administrative User Guide.
In some cases the ability to create plug-in driven batch approach will be constrained - for example you cannot change many status values directly via a Business Object update. In such cases, a service request will need to be logged with the required SQL update statement (and expected results - such as number of rows impacted). See the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services Cloud Operations Guide for more information.