Data Cloning/Subsetting
Data subsetting is the process of moving data from the production environment to other environments (such as TEST or DEV environment). There are two processes for data subsetting: full-volume and partial-volume.
Full Volume - Clone
The TEST environment is a full-sized environment and can host a complete copy of the production database. A service request should be submitted to request the refresh of TEST from PROD. The two environments must be at the same version/patch level.
After the data refresh, any configurations and scripts that were in TEST and not in production will need to be re-applied to TEST.
The full volume clone can also be used to migrate a 'gold' configuration environment (DEV-sized) to a Test environment or to Production during implementation.
See the Oracle Utilities Cloud Services Cloud Operations Guide for more information about submitting data cloning service requests.
Partial Volume - Subset
The DEV environment is not a full-sized environment and can only hold a subset of the production database. Content Migration Assistant may be used to perform a targeted migration of selected master entities and their related transactional data from one environment to another. For example, migrating a subset of accounts and their related data for testing purposes.
The overall volume of all business entities to migrate in a single data set should be reasonably sized. Migrating too much data may reach physical and performance limitations of the tool.