Data Conversion Approach
The implementation project is expected to extract the legacy data into flat files and upload these files to a specific location on the cloud, and then to run a sequence of batch processes that moves the data into corresponding tables in the special Staging database schema. The subsequent processing of the staging data, along with its insertion into production tables, is specific for each cloud service. Refer to Data Conversion and Migration for more information about specific data conversion and migration scenarios. Sample upload files are also available from the Oracle Utilities Documentation library for the relevant cloud service.
It is recommended to start with small set of data covering most of the unique / critical scenarios, perform the object / FK validations and try to resolve the data quality conversion issues by comprehensive testing (both online and batches). Gradually increase the data volume to avoid running full scale of converted data early resulting in application errors (invalid data will often lead to a lot of 'noisy errors' that can be avoided with this approach).
In the data extract populate the ILM_ARCH_SW as follows:
Set ILM_ARCH_SW with a value of “Y” for high-volume tables. In specific, the ILM_ARCH_SW field MUST be set to “Y” for the following tables used with Oracle Utilities Customer Cloud Service and Oracle Utilities Meter Solution Cloud Service:
D1_DVC_EVT (Device Event)
D1_INIT_MSRMT_DATA (Initial Measurement Data)
D1_USAGE (Usage Transaction)
Set ILM_ARCH_SW with a value of “N” for all other tables
Data Conversion Tips
The following high-level tips are important for data conversion efforts:
1: Data Upload Indexes and Constraints
Data conversion is performed by processing legacy data extract files using SQL Loader. During the data upload, the indexes and constraints are disabled and duplicate keys are not validated. See Oracle SQL Loader Documentation for details.
Please ensure that you cleanse the data extract file and remove duplicates prior to the upload.
2: Key Tables in Staging Area
The Key tables in the staging area are not populated automatically. The Key Table data has to be created with the corresponding Environment ID and then uploaded as a separate extract. Refer to Data Conversion and Migration for more information.
3: CLOB Data Upload with Secondary Files
The CLOB data upload with secondary files is not supported when there are multiple CLOB columns in the table. Configure the conversion task type to include CLOB data in the main extract, amend Conversion Master Configuration, and regenerate Conversion Artifacts. Refer to Data Conversion and Migration for more information.