What to Customize
Control File
The majority of the customizations affect the contents of the generated Control File and the corresponding input data file specifications. The configurations are stored on the Conversion Task Types that represent Conversion Instructions.
Customizing the Control File's load options and parameters may improve upload performance
Fully customized Control File allows you to use alternative record parsing and other advanced SQL Loader configuration techniques.
When CLOB data is supplied as Secondary Files, the system is expecting the input data files to exist and be named following the specific naming convention.
For example, if the table has multiple CLOB fields, for every CLOB field that was not excluded from conversion, the system is expecting the secondary file's name to be suffixed with _<CLOB Field Name>. See the online help for more details.
Data Delimiters and Enclosing Characters. Examine the default Conversion Instructions (Conversion Task Type) setup. Either select another delimiter from the existing list or add new value to the Extended Lookup.
CLOB as Secondary File? The indicator is defined on Conversion Instructions (Conversion Task Type).
Applicable when CLOB is supplied as Secondary File:
CLOB Columns Included in Conversion. By default, the control file is generated as if all CLOB fields are part of the converted data. The legacy data does not necessarily contain data for all CLOB fields, hence there is no reason to create empty files. The list of excluded CLOB columns is is defined on Conversion Instructions (Conversion Task Type). Create new Conversion Instructions (Conversion Task Type) for the Table or MO with multiple CLOB fields and specify the exclusion list.
Control File "Header" - Load Options. A text stored as Managed Content. Contains the control file's fragment with options and load parameters. You can amend the options according to SQL Loader documentation. Examine the entries delivered with the product.
Note: The text contains several substitution parameters prefixed with %. The substitution happens at generation time or at run time. Preserve them while creating a custom Control File header.
If you wish to amend the load options and parameters only, create a new Managed Content entry. Modify default Conversion Instructions (Conversion Task Types) or create new ones and add Override Instructions to Conversion Master Configuration. Run Conversion Artifact Generator and create new customized Control File. See the online help for more details.
Custom Control File. A text stored as Managed Content and representing the entire Control File, including load options, parameters and the field list.
Note: Preserve substitution parameters (see the note above). The input data file specifications are not generated when the Custom Control File is used. Make sure that the fields in the input data files correlates to the field's list in the custom Control File.
Additional Customization Items
Table's Conversion Eligibility. The table is considered eligible for conversion according to the indicator on the Metadata Table record. It is a system data and cannot be modified by the implementation. In order to make a non-converted Table eligible for Conversion, you should add an entry to the Override Conversion Eligibility list on the Conversion Master Configuration.
Conversion Orchestration. The suggested setup of the Batch Controls, Batch Jobs, and Chains is usually included in the application Conversion Accelerator. Adjust this setup by fine-tuning the number of threads, the chain structure(s) and other batch job parameters.