Sample Artifacts and Data Files
To assist implementers with the conversion and data upload process, multiple sample artifacts and data files are available. The sample files are provided with your cloud service documentation. The samples illustrate various data upload scenarios for table- and MO-level upload. Within the master samples zip file, there are multiple zip archives, each of which contain the following:
Control file, generated
Input Data File Specification, generated
Sample Data File, created according to the specification
The table below provides more details on each of the sample artifacts available.
Target Object
Sample Description
Interval Data Set (INT_DATA_SET)
Regular maintenance object, CLOB field as a secondary file.
Configuration: Conversion Task Type K1-CNV-MO
Multiple data files (3)
MO Customer Contact (CUST_CONTACT)
Regular maintenance object, CLOB fields in the main file.
Configuration: same as Conversion Task Type K1-CNV-TABLE, but the CLOB as Secondary File indicator set to false.
Table Meter Read (CI_MR)
Regular table, CLOB field as a secondary file.
Configuration: Conversion Task Type K1-CNV-TABLE.
Table Adjustment (CI_ADJ)
Regular table, CLOB field in the main file.
Configuration: same as Conversion Task Type K1-CNV-TABLE, but the CLOB as Secondary File indicator set to false.
Table Initial Sync Request (F1_SYNC_REQ_IN)
Table with Multiple CLOBs as secondary files.
For table with multiple CLOBs, the special Conversion Task Type was created based on the
K1-ConvArtMultClobTblTaskType business object.
Override Control File (Managed Content) was created and used as a custom Control File.
Review the sample and note that there is a conditional input data selection. Only records with
BO = W1-CompositeSyncReqGISAsset would be uploaded. A custom Control File is necessary if you have a requirement to manipulate the data during upload.
Input Data File Specification:
Since the Control File is fully custom, including the field list, the generated specification is describing expected file name(s) only. The data field formats, delimiters, sizes, and any other information related to the Input Data File layout should be determined based on the custom Control File.