Upload Data into a Table or Maintenance Object
The data upload stage may begin only after conversion artifacts have been generated.
Review Input Data File Spec
Retrieve the Conversion Task associated with the Table XXX
Navigate to Admin, then Conversion Support, then Conversion Task Query and select the "Table/Maintenance Object" Query Option.
Use search to populate either Table or Maintenance Object search criteria
From the search results, pick the latest entry.
Load Conversion Task and locate a collection of Attachments.
Find an attachment that represents Input File Specification.
Click on the context menu to launch Attachment view the attachment contents.
Create Input Data File(s)
The specification defines the expected input data record format. The data fields are listed in the order it expected to appear in each record. For each field, the specification contains the data type, size and format. The specification also describes:
Data delimiter
Enclosing characters (to enclose a single blank that will represent empty non-nullable field)
Date and date time formats
CLOB data delimiter
Expected name(s) for the secondary data file(s)
Extract the legacy data into a file according to the specification.
Each line in the file should represent a row in the target table. In the maintenance object-level extract, each record represents a row in one of the maintenance object tables and the first 30 characters in each line contains the table name.
If CLOB data is to be provided as secondary file, create CLOB data files.
Note: the SQL Loader treats invalid secondary file differently than a missing secondary file:
If the secondary file is missing, the process will report an error.
If the CLOB data in the secondary file is invalid, the CLOB field in the target table will be initiated into NULL or blank.
The input data file might be supplied uncompressed or compressed. Supported compressed formats include gzip and zip (See online help for details).
Switch Schema
Navigate to Admin, then Conversion Support, then Switch Schema, and select "Conversion" from the drop-down list and click OK.
Cleanup Target Table
Run the K1-SCLTB batch process, specifying the target table or maintenance object as a parameter.
Upload Data
Upload the input data file created above to the Object Storage location
Run the K1-CNVLD batch process, specifying the target table or maintenance object as a parameter. Detailed description of data upload parameters can be found in the online help.
Populate Key Table(s)
According to OUAF DB design standards, a corresponding Key Table exists for each table with system-generated or sequential primary key. Under normal circumstances, the key tables are populated when an application creates a "main" record. In a conversion situation, where the data is inserted directly into the database, there are two possibilities to populate the Key Table:
Create an input data file for the Key Table and upload it using the same batch K1-CNVLD.
Populate the key Table programmatically, by running K1-CPKTB after successful "main" table or MO data upload. This batch can be used for both Table and MO-level upload.