Configure Product Use Metrics
This section describes the process for configuring the Product Use Metrics dashboard used with Oracle Utilities Cloud Services.
The Product Use Metrics displays metrics related to cloud service subscriptions such as customer counts, device counts, channels of an active meters, number of billable services, and other similar data. The data presented on each dashboard is tailored to provide summary information for management. Refer to Product Use Metrics in the Administrative User Guide for more information about this dashboard.
This dashboard leverages a method of pre-staging data known as Statistics Snapshots. See Understanding Statistics in the Administrative User Guide for more information on Statistics Snapshots.
Configuring the Product Use Metrics dashboard includes the following:
Configure Statistic Controls and Statistic Snapshots
Statistic Controls are the source for capturing the numbers of active customer, devices, channels on active meters, billable services, and other metrics.
Statistic Snapshots capture the numbers for each metric. Statistic Controls are configuration records that define the specific types of metrics to capture.
Statistic Snapshots are captured periodically via the F1-STATS (Statistics Control Monitor) batch program.
Use the Statistics Control portal to create and configure statistic controls appropriate for your cloud service.
Configure Snapshot Business Objects and Algorithms (Optional)
By default, the Device Count Snapshot and Channel Count Snapshot business objects check for active usage subscriptions when deriving the total count of active devices and measuring components. However, in some implementations this is not required or appropriate.
The usage subscription check can be disabled if needed by setting the "Exclude US Check (Y or N)" parameter on the "Create XXXXX Count Shapshot" Enter algorithms on the Complete state of the Snapshot business objects to "Y" (this parameter is set to "N" by default).
Configure Statistics Control Business Objects
The Statistics Control (F1-Statistics) business object should be configured to specify the "Statistics Control Monitor" batch control in the Monitor Process drop-down list on the "Active" state.
To configure this business object, do the following:
1. Open the Statistics Control (F1-Statistics) business object in the Business Object portal.
2. Navigate to the Lifecycle tab, and expand the "Active" state.
3. Select "Statistics Control Monitor" from the Monitor Process drop-down list.
4. Click Save.
Configure Master Configuration
The Customer Metrics Dashboard Configuration master configuration is used to configure details related to the data displayed on the Product Use Metrics dashboard including specific types of data that should be excluded on the dashboard (including billable service agreement types and debt classes), as well as the colors used in the dashboard zones.
You can access the Master Configuration portal by selecting Admin, then General, then Master Configuration.
Select the Customer Metrics Dashboard Configuration master configuration from the Master Configuration zone.
Use the Add button beside the record to configure for the first time. If a record has already been added, then click the Edit button instead. Use the embedded help to guide you through the meaning of each configuration field.
Batch Processing
The Product Use Metrics dashboard is configured to be refreshed periodically. To refresh the data used in the dashboard, the following batch processes should be processed in sequence after other regularly schedule batch processing is complete.
F1-STATS (Statistics Control Monitor): Used to generate Statistic Snapshots based on Statistic Controls.
Use the following parameters when running this batch process:
Maintenance Object (maintenanceObject): F1-STATS
Restrict by Business Object (restrictToBusinessObject): F1-Statistics
Restrict by Status Code (restrictToBOStatus): ACTIVE