Customer Facing Alerts
Customers must be notified if certain errors or issues arise that will require attention. The most common example is batch alerts.
Customers need to know if important batch processes have failed or have not performed that work they were supposed to do. This could be critical for regular nightly batch processes but is also useful for daily or other scheduled batch processing. Instead of manual monitoring of important processes to make sure they worked as planned, the system has the ability to respond to a REST call that inquires about the overall status of the system processing. That service is called System Health Check and support both batch related checking (via the Level of Service algorithms that are plugged into Batch Controls) as well as batch job stream checking (via the Level of Service algorithms that are plugged into batch job stream definition).
In addition to the system health check service, an external probe can be set up that will invoke the REST call to the system from time to time and initiate an email notification to a configurable set of email addresses so that customers don't have to do it themselves manually.
A sample System Health Check Probe like this exists and is available to customers and implementers for educational purpose only. This sample is NOT supported by Oracle Support. See the Oracle Utilities System Health Check Probe document on My Oracle Support (Document ID 2711546.1) for more information.