CLOB Data in a Secondary File
CLOB data can be supplied as part of the record in the "main" data file or as a secondary file. Once again, the decision should be made based on the source data volumes, extract techniques, and the availability of the CLOB data in most records.
If most of the records have CLOB column(s) populated, and/or the CLOB field often contains large amount of data, it may make sense to use a secondary file.
Otherwise, if the CLOB column(s) are rarely populated and/or the CLOB field rarely contains large amount of data, you may choose to include the CLOB data in the record.
Note: If supplied as secondary file, the CLOB data file has to contain exactly as many records as the main file. This means that a line has to be added even for empty CLOB fields.
Both options are supported. The definition is controlled by the Conversion Instruction (Conversion Task Type).