Integration Middleware
While file-based integration does not require middleware, often real-time integration benefits from the use of a middleware platform to facilitate message delivery, error handling, and data transformation. With Oracle Utilities cloud services, there are several different middleware options which may be useful, and in some cases prebuilt integrations are available to integrate Oracle applications. This section describes several middleware options (note: these are not included with your cloud service subscription).
Integration Middleware: Oracle Integration Cloud (OIC)
Oracle Integration Cloud Service (OIC) is an integration platform offered as Software-as-a-Service - it provides a modern web-based user interface to set up integration connection points, and uses application catalogs of available services provides data mapping capabilities and statistics on message flows. The Oracle Integration Cloud suite includes additional analytics and other tools. Oracle Utilities uses OIC as an integration platform to link with other Oracle applications such as Oracle Field Service, Fusion ERP, and others. OIC can also handle file-based integrations. As a cloud offering Oracle supports upgrades to the service, but note that Disaster Recovery is not currently part of the standard offering.
Integration Middleware: Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace - Platform-as-a-Service
This option uses the Oracle SOA Suite on Marketplace hosted as a Platform-as-a -Service (PaaS) - thus allowing for full control and development capability. As a PaaS, the customer is responsible for managing the software, updates, etc.
Integration Middleware: Oracle SOA Suite On-Premises
This option uses the Oracle SOA Suite hosted on premises- thus allowing for full control and development capability. The customer is responsible for managing the software, updates, etc.