Outbound Messages
This section describes the setup of components used to send outbound messages by invoking the SOAP or REST service of the target application. The information below assumes outbound message types have been created for each web service.
Make sure the target environment you are accessing is allowlisted in the Oracle Cloud Utilities Entitlement. This is requested by opening a service request for the Oracle Utilities Cloud Operations team.
Using SOAP Services
Setup Message Senders
Invoking a SOAP-based service involves creating one or more new real-time Message Senders.
Use the following procedure to create a Message Sender:
1. From the Admin menu, select Integration, then Message Sender, then Add.
2. Enter a unique code and Description for the Message Sender.
3. Populate the following values:
Invocation Type: Real-time
Message Class: SOAPSNDR (Sender for real-time HTTP/SOAP messages)
Active: Select the check box
MSG Encoding: UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set the values for the following context types:
Context Type
Context Value (Sample Values)
HTTP Header
Get the value from the soap:operation in the WSDL
<wsdl:operation name="Get_APPT_SVC">
<soap:operation soapAction="process"/>
HTTP Login User
User ID to access the service
HTTP Login Password
Password to access the service
HTTP Method
HTTP Timeout
HTTP Transport Method
Message Namespace URI
Get the value from the schema namespace in the WSDL.
This entry should be defined when the External System - Outbound Message Type - Namespace Option is set to Configured on the Message Sender
@EXT_PUB@ server:port/servicename
The value should follow the format below:
@EXT_PUB@ refers to the outbound proxy and append the endpoint url without the https:// protocol.
Get the endpoint url value from the soap:address location in the WSDL
<wsdl:service name="receiveApptReq_PortType">
<wsdl:port name="receiveApptReq_PortType_pt" binding="receiveApptReq_PortType_binding">
<soap:address location="https://server:port/servicename"/>
SOAP Insert Timestamp (Y/N)
This is only needed when the wsdl policy of the service being invoked is wss_username_token_service policy or any policy that require a timestamp.
5. Click Save.
Setup the External System
Associate the outbound message types to their corresponding message senders in an external system.
Define the following details for each outbound message type:
Outbound Message Type: The outbound message type created for the outbound message.
Processing Method: Real-time.
Message Sender: The Message Sender to invoke the SOAP web service.
Date/Time Format: XSD
Namespace Option: Configured on Sender
Note: For Message Senders using the SOAPSNDR message class, message xsl do not need to be defined just to add the SOAP Envelope. The SOAPSNDR message class will add the SOAP Envelope before sending the message out.
Using REST Services
Setup Message Senders
Invoking a REST-based service involves creating one or more new real-time Message Senders.
Use the following procedure to create a Message Sender:
1. From the Admin menu, select Integration, then Message Sender, then Add.
2. Enter a unique code and Description for the Message Sender.
3. Populate the following values:
Invocation Type: Real-time
Message Class: RTJSONSNDR (Sender for real-time JSON messages)
Active: Select the check box
MSG Encoding: UTF-8 message encoding
4. Select the Context tab and set the values for the following context types:
Context Type
Context Value (Sample Values)
HTTP Login User
User ID to access the service
HTTP Login Password
Password to access the service
HTTP Method
HTTP Timeout
The value should follow the format below:
@EXT_PUB@ refers to the outbound proxy and append the REST endpoint url without the https:// protocol.
5. Click Save.
Setup the External System
Associate the outbound message types to their corresponding message senders in an external system.
Define the following details for each outbound message type:
Outbound Message Type: The outbound message type created for the outbound message.
Processing Method: Real-time.
Message Sender: The Message Sender to invoke the REST web service.
Date/Time Format: XSD
JSON Conversion Method: Base JSON Conversion
Note: For Message Senders using the SOAPSNDR message class, message xsl do not need to be defined. SOAPSNDR message class will add the SOAP Envelope before sending the message out.