Debugging & Tracing Options
This section outlines options for tracing and debugging issues when accessing inbound web services.
REST Inbound Web Services
The following debugging and tracing options apply when using REST services:
REST calls can be made within the application using the View Specification link, which will show the curl format of the call, response, etc.
REST services can be invoked with a debug parameter (http:<cloud url>//restapi?debug=true) to show all the debug logs when checking via the application.
Using the debug parameter will provide additional information in the kibana logs (tech log information) about execution of each step of the scripts.
To see the user log, the 'calling user' must log into the online application and view User Logs.
If the Trace flag checked on inbound web service, requests and responses are written to the user log.
SOAP Inbound Web Services
The following debugging and tracing options apply when using SOAP services:
SOAP requests with trace enabled on the inbound web service shows the request message and response message in the user logs, but not in Kibana.
Using the Debug flag in the soap envelope enables debug mode, but does not enable tracing. The debug flag in soap header can be passed as <debug> or <Debug> and values can be true or yes. For example: <debug>true</debug>.
If the Trace flag checked on the inbound web service, requests and responses are written to user log.